one test, run many times with different files
Christoph Becker
2014-09-08 13:21:56 UTC
I am a newbie to phpunit. I have written 20 or so unit tests.
I have done some RTFM. I have a set of tests that can that I want to run
with multiple input files.
My environment is linux , php 5.3 and up
I can write bash scripts to iterate over the files in a number of ways.
My boss to run tests by typing phpunit <directory>
What is the phpunit way of running test1 with file1, file2, file3.... as
That is nicely explained in the PHPUnit manual:
<https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/organizing-tests.html>. (You may
have to switch to the PHPUnit version you're using.)

BTW: this mailing is list is meant for members of the PHP-QA team; the
question is better asked on the general user list
(<php-***@lists.php.net>). I have added it as receiver.
Christoph M. Becker
PHP Quality Assurance Mailing List <http://www.php.net/>
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