PHP 5.3.29 is available, PHP 5.3 reaching end of life
Johannes Schlüter
2014-08-14 13:51:09 UTC
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP
5.3.29. This release marks the end of life of the PHP 5.3 series. Future
releases of this series are not planned. All PHP 5.3 users are
encouraged to upgrade to the current stable version of PHP 5.5 or
previous stable version of PHP 5.4, which are supported till at least
2016 and 2015 respectively.

PHP 5.3.29 contains about 25 potentially security related fixes
backported from PHP 5.4 and 5.5.

For source downloads of PHP 5.3.29, please visit our downloads page on
http://www.php.net/downloads.php Windows binaries can be found on
windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the
ChangeLog at http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-5.php#5.3.29

For helping your migration to newer versions please refer to our
migration guides for updates from PHP 5.3 to 5.4 and from PHP 5.4 to
5.5. On http://php.net/migration54 and http://php.net/migration55

Johannes SchlÃŒter
PHP 5.3 Release Master
Matt Ficken
2014-08-15 07:59:19 UTC
I have tested 5.3.29 on Windows thoroughly as its the last 5.3 release.

I find no regressions.

All the security and bug fixes didn't break anything from 5.3.28.

Windows users at least, that want to stay with 5.3 can now upgrade to

See: http://qa.php.net/build.php?branch=PHP_5_3&revision=5.3.29

Post by Johannes Schlüter
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP
5.3.29. This release marks the end of life of the PHP 5.3 series. Future
releases of this series are not planned. All PHP 5.3 users are
encouraged to upgrade to the current stable version of PHP 5.5 or
previous stable version of PHP 5.4, which are supported till at least
2016 and 2015 respectively.
PHP 5.3.29 contains about 25 potentially security related fixes
backported from PHP 5.4 and 5.5.
For source downloads of PHP 5.3.29, please visit our downloads page on
http://www.php.net/downloads.php Windows binaries can be found on
windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes is recorded in the
ChangeLog at http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-5.php#5.3.29
For helping your migration to newer versions please refer to our
migration guides for updates from PHP 5.3 to 5.4 and from PHP 5.4 to
5.5. On http://php.net/migration54 and http://php.net/migration55
Johannes SchlÃŒter
PHP 5.3 Release Master
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