Post by Sebastian KrebsPost by Tedd SperlingAs for "print" being a function or construct, I dunno -- what's the difference?
In the real world: You can never use functions without the paranthesis, but
you can never use language constructs as callbacks.
To be fair, and to muddy-up the waters even more....
echo 'echo'; // No parentheses needed....
echo('echo'); // .... but they can be used.
print('print'); // Seems common to see parentheses used here....
print 'print'; // .... but as a construct, they're not needed.
exit; // A language construct does not need parentheses....
exit(-1); // .... except in certain situations like this,
where data is passed.
continue; // However, there is yet another exception....
continue(2); // .... in that continue works with parentheses....
continue 2; // .... and without, but it is a control structure.
goto hell; // And yet, goto - another control structure - works....
goto(hell); // .... but only if you skip parentheses.
</Daniel P. Brown>
Network Infrastructure Manager
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