Clone FilterIterator/IteratorIterator?
Peter Oberst
2014-03-24 20:37:26 UTC

I want to use an Iterator that returns an the inner iterator, with an
additional FilterIterator applied.
The returned iterator should be separated from my inner iterator, to
avoid errors like 'ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside'.
To avoid this, I think it might be the best to simply clone the inner iterator.

Unfortunatly, if the innerIterator is an FilterIterator, so cloning
will throw an exception:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method ArrayIterator::getIterator()

Is there a good reason why i can't clone a FilterIterator?


class MyIterator extends FilterIterator {
public function accept() {
return true;

$arr = new ArrayObject(array());
$it1 = new MyIterator($arr->getIterator());
$it2 = $it1->getIterator();
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Aziz Saleh
2014-03-24 20:48:44 UTC
Post by Peter Oberst
I want to use an Iterator that returns an the inner iterator, with an
additional FilterIterator applied.
The returned iterator should be separated from my inner iterator, to
avoid errors like 'ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside'.
To avoid this, I think it might be the best to simply clone the inner iterator.
Unfortunatly, if the innerIterator is an FilterIterator, so cloning
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method ArrayIterator::getIterator()
Is there a good reason why i can't clone a FilterIterator?
class MyIterator extends FilterIterator {
public function accept() {
return true;
$arr = new ArrayObject(array());
$it1 = new MyIterator($arr->getIterator());
$it2 = $it1->getIterator();
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Not sure why you came to that conclusion, but the error you are getting is
because MyIterator ($it1) extends FilterIterator extends IteratorIterator
implements OuterIterator implements OuterIterator OuterIterator extends
Iterator extends Traversable, none which have a getIterator() method

Sorry for duplicate email, forgot to reply all.
Peter Oberst
2014-03-24 21:04:15 UTC
Oh sorry, it's too late and too mutch fiddeling with the testcase.

Corrected testcase:


class MyIterator extends FilterIterator {
public function accept() {
return true;

$arr = new ArrayObject(array());
$it1 = new MyIterator($arr->getIterator());
$it2 = clone $it1;

Throws Fatal error: Trying to clone an uncloneable object of class MyIterator
Post by Aziz Saleh
Post by Peter Oberst
I want to use an Iterator that returns an the inner iterator, with an
additional FilterIterator applied.
The returned iterator should be separated from my inner iterator, to
avoid errors like 'ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside'.
To avoid this, I think it might be the best to simply clone the inner iterator.
Unfortunatly, if the innerIterator is an FilterIterator, so cloning
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method
Is there a good reason why i can't clone a FilterIterator?
class MyIterator extends FilterIterator {
public function accept() {
return true;
$arr = new ArrayObject(array());
$it1 = new MyIterator($arr->getIterator());
$it2 = $it1->getIterator();
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Not sure why you came to that conclusion, but the error you are getting is
because MyIterator ($it1) extends FilterIterator extends IteratorIterator
implements OuterIterator implements OuterIterator OuterIterator extends
Iterator extends Traversable, none which have a getIterator() method
Sorry for duplicate email, forgot to reply all.
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