Post by Stuart DallasPost by Larry MartellOn Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Ashley Sheridan
Post by Ashley SheridanAsk the user if they have seen this behavior elsewhere to establish a base.
It really doesn't seem reasonable, but could be achieved with a token based
request system. Thing is, it would not remember users between visits.
Yeah, first thing I said was, well you can't be logged into 2 gmail or
amazon accounts in 2 tabs of the same browser either.
But you can look at two different folders in Gmail or two different products on Amazon, which is what the OP sounds like they’re wanting to do.
If they actually want to log in to two different "accounts" at once, create a meta account that gives them access to both sets of data. It sounds like the access requirements for your app are changing, so change the design of your app to cope.
The first page of the app allows then to select what dataset they want
to look at (development, QA, production, hot back up, or yesterday's
data). Then on the next page they select more specifics about the data
they want to see. So what happens is that if they select QA and "foo"
on one tab and production and "bar" on another, they get the same on
both (the later one they brought up). Yes, it seems that it will
require a design change - I was hoping to avoid that if possible and
do something with the sessions.
Post by Stuart DallasPost by Larry MartellPost by Ashley SheridanOn Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Jonathan Sundquist
Post by Jonathan SundquistUse either two completely different browsers or if they need to use the
same browser open one of the sessions in privacy mode.
Post by Larry MartellI have a php app that uses a session to share data across requests
(using session_start())
I have a situation where a user wants to open 2 invocations of the app
in 2 browser tabs and look at different things, but because of the
session, both tabs have the same data. Is there a way to have a
separate session for each tab they open?
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I never use sessions except to identify the identity of the user.
Everything else is handled by the app. I guess that is just me.
Maybe try adding a GET identifier (or post, etc..) to the request so you
can distinguish between the data and store the data in the session in an
array instead?
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