Post by Ethan RosenbergDear List -
I apologize for this "needle in a haystack" but...
This was originally posted on the PHP list, but has changed into a
Debian question...
Tried to run the program, that we have been discussing,{on the PHP list}
and received a 403 error.
rosenberg:/var/www# ls -la StoreInventory.php
-rwxrwxrw- 1 ethan ethan 4188 Aug 26 20:26 StoreInventory.php
rosenberg:/var# ls -ld www
drwxrwxrw- 37 ethan ethan 20480 Aug 26 20:26 www
I had set the S bit [probably a nasty mistake] and I thought I was able
to remove the bit. [it doesn't show above]
I made the following stupid mistakes...
note commands from the root prompt have a su appended
467 chown -R ethan:www-data www su
469 chown -R ethan:www-data www su
470 chmod -R g+s www su
471 chgrp -R www su
477 chgrp -R ethan www su
480 chmod -R 766 www su
482 chmod g-S www su
485 chmod -S www su
486 chmod g S www su
487 chmod gS www su
488 chmod S www su
489 chmod 776 www su
492 chmod 776 -R www su
494 chmod -s -R www su
504 chmod 666 StoreInventory.php
512 chmod 3775 StoreInventory.php
I now have....
-rwxrwsr-t 1 ethan ethan 4232 Aug 27 00:18 StoreInventory.php
drwxrwxrw- 37 ethan ethan 20480 Aug 26 20:26 www
and still have the 403 error.
How do I extricate myself from the hole into which I have planted myself?
The problem appears to be that Apache does not have access to the file.
Looking at the permissions of the file it should work, however, apache
is not able to go into your /var/www folder. Either you need to set
www-data as the owner of the directory, or as the group owner, or,
possibility number 3, give execute rights to 'others' on that folder.
1) chown www-data /var/www
2) chgrp www-data /var/www
3) chmod -R o+X /var/www
Note the capital 'X' on option 3, this gives execute permissions on
folders only, not files, as the -R means all files and subdirectories as
The 't' is known as the sticky bit if I recall correctly, set with 1 on
the first number in a 4 number chmod command, for details see [1].
I guess in your case you can use 0664 for the files and 0775 for
directories (or 0640 and 0750 if you set owner or group back to
Best regards,
you wrote about a 403 error, so I assume you invoke the script by
calling a webserver via browser.
In that case the webserver needs the permission to access /var/www and
to read StoreInventory.php.
By default the webserver runs as user/group www-data (it can be changed
in the webservers config-file(s)).
Try this:
#chown -R ethan:www-data /var/www
#chmod 775 /var/www
#chmod 640 /var/www/StoreInventory.php
Your ls should return something like this:
$ls -hal /var/www
drwxr-x--- 1 ethan www-data 4.0K Jun 3 20:35 .
-rw-r----- 1 ethan www-data 623 Jun 3 20:35 StoreInventory.php
If that does not work you might check the configuration- and log-files
of your webserver.
Dear List -
I had to go to a meeting but before I left I tried one last thing -
chmod 000 www
chmod 0777 www
rosenberg:/var# ls -ld www
drwxrwxrwx 37 ethan ethan 20480 Aug 27 17:30 www
chown ethan StoreInventory.php
chgrp ethan StoreInventory.php
chmod 000 StoreInventory.php
chmod 777 StoreInventory.php
***@rosenberg:/var/www$ ls -la StoreInventory.php
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ethan ethan 4232 Aug 27 17:25 StoreInventory.php
when I returned...
Thanks to all.