How to extract php source code from joomla
elk dolk
2013-07-22 19:18:57 UTC
Hi all,
I want to build a website using Joomla 2.5 . It should have 5 pages:


How can I get the php source code for those pages?

I installed joomla 2.5 on my windows box and use XAMPP's appache web server 
Ashley Sheridan
2013-07-22 19:15:44 UTC
Post by elk dolk
Hi all,
How can I get the php source code for those pages?
I installed joomla 2.5 on my windows box and use XAMPP's appache web server
Erm, Joomla is a CMS, which means that you don't have source code for
individual pages like that. If you want, you don't have to get involved
with the PHP at all in Joomla. What is it that you're actually trying to

elk dolk
2013-07-22 19:49:19 UTC
Thank you for the quick response ! What I am trying to do : I have to complete two university projects for

 my professor !

project One  : Make an online shop and must use the following components in it

Shopping cart, Catalog of products, payment gateway , user login and user activity log .

project Two : Implementing of a B2B sell-side portal with negotiation mechanism.

As I am familiar with php and My.SQL and I have only 20 days to complete those projects !  I thought it's

better to use Joomla I'll be grateful if you can give me an advice

thank you

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ashley Sheridan <***@ashleysheridan.co.uk>
To: elk dolk <***@yahoo.com>
Cc: "php-***@lists.php.net" <php-***@lists.php.net>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] How to extract php source code from joomla
Post by elk dolk
Hi all,
How can I get the php source code for those pages?
I installed joomla 2.5 on my windows box and use XAMPP's appache web server
Erm, Joomla is a CMS, which means that you don't have source code for
individual pages like that. If you want, you don't have to get involved
with the PHP at all in Joomla. What is it that you're actually trying to

Ashley Sheridan
2013-07-22 19:50:21 UTC
Post by elk dolk
Thank you for the quick response ! What I am trying to do : I have to complete two university projects for
my professor !
project One : Make an online shop and must use the following components in it
Shopping cart, Catalog of products, payment gateway , user login and user activity log .
project Two : Implementing of a B2B sell-side portal with negotiation mechanism.
As I am familiar with php and My.SQL and I have only 20 days to complete those projects ! I thought it's
better to use Joomla I'll be grateful if you can give me an advice
thank you
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] How to extract php source code from joomla
Post by elk dolk
Hi all,
How can I get the php source code for those pages?
I installed joomla 2.5 on my windows box and use XAMPP's appache web server
Erm, Joomla is a CMS, which means that you don't have source code for
individual pages like that. If you want, you don't have to get involved
with the PHP at all in Joomla. What is it that you're actually trying to
20 days seems awfully ambitious, does your professor expect you to code
these by hand or are you allowed to use an existing CMS, I ask because
your original question seemed a bit odd.

For e-commerce you're better off choosing a CMS which does that out of
the box. Joomla has plugins that allow you to do these things, but it
can be a hefty CMS, and it's not particularly suited for shops, plus it
has a bit of a learning curve and some large security holes (which I
know first hand having had to just get a Joomla site to pass a rigorous
security test)

Lastly, please try not to top post :)

elk dolk
2013-07-22 20:10:32 UTC
I am allowed to use tools or code by hand , it does not matter ,the professor wants to have the source code.

Ashley Sheridan
2013-07-22 20:06:28 UTC
Post by elk dolk
I am allowed to use tools or code by hand , it does not matter ,the professor wants to have the source code.
You say tools, but would he consider a full-blown complex CMS as merely
a tool, or not? At this point, I agree, your best option is probably a
CMS with plugins, because 20 days is not much time to build that sort of
thing, and that's coming from someone who develops in PHP for a living.

Tedd Sperling
2013-07-23 02:15:26 UTC
Post by elk dolk
Thank you for the quick response ! What I am trying to do : I have to complete two university projects for
my professor !
project One : Make an online shop and must use the following components in it
Shopping cart, Catalog of products, payment gateway , user login and user activity log .
project Two : Implementing of a B2B sell-side portal with negotiation mechanism.
As I am familiar with php and My.SQL and I have only 20 days to complete those projects ! I thought it's
better to use Joomla I'll be grateful if you can give me an advice
thank you
Sounds more like a client than someone who teaches php.

I couldn't do that from scratch in 20 days and I teach php at college level. That's more than my entire 16 weeks course of introductory php. Are you in an advanced class?


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elk dolk
2013-07-23 04:15:52 UTC
I study for MSc degree at university.


 Are you in an advanced class?
Tedd Sperling
2013-07-23 13:04:57 UTC
Post by elk dolk
I study for MSc degree at university.
Are you in an advanced class?
Ok, congratulations -- you are studying for an MSc -- but that didn't answer the question.

So, let me repeat the question:

[1] "Are you in an advanced PHP class?"

[2] "Or is this just an introductory class?"

If [1], then the coursework might be understandable, but still very difficult.

If [2], that is far more than what I teach as an "Introduction to PHP" course.


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Yoinier Hernandez Nieves
2013-07-23 14:54:07 UTC
Post by elk dolk
Thank you for the quick response ! What I am trying to do : I have to complete two university projects for
my professor !
project One : Make an online shop and must use the following components in it
Shopping cart, Catalog of products, payment gateway , user login and user activity log .
You can use Prestashop, Magento, Oscommerce, etc, and modify at you're
Post by elk dolk
project Two : Implementing of a B2B sell-side portal with negotiation mechanism.
You can modify above softwares to this purpose.

Post by elk dolk
As I am familiar with php and My.SQL and I have only 20 days to complete those projects ! I thought it's
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richard gray
2013-07-23 16:34:04 UTC
Post by Yoinier Hernandez Nieves
Post by elk dolk
Thank you for the quick response ! What I am trying to do : I have to
complete two university projects for
my professor !
project One : Make an online shop and must use the following
components in it
Shopping cart, Catalog of products, payment gateway , user login and user activity log .
You can use Prestashop, Magento, Oscommerce, etc, and modify at you're
IMO do NOT use Oscommerce (or the ZenCart fork for that matter) ...
unless you want a lesson in how not to write an application in PHP...
the code and architecture is (well it was the last time I had the
dubious pleasure of working with it...) truly awful....

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