Post by Camilo SperbergI recommend OPCache, which is already included in PHP 5.5.
I'm just curious about the disadvantageous aspects of OPcache.
My logic says there must be some issues with it otherwise it would have
come already enabled.
Sent from iPhone
Post by Camilo SperbergPost by Negin NickparsaThank you Sebastian..actually I will already have one if qualified for
Post by Camilo SperbergPost by Negin Nickparsajob. Yes, and I may fail to handle it that's why I asked for guidance.
I wanted some tidbits to start over. I have searched through yslow,
HTTtrack and others.
I have searched through php list in my email too before asking this
question. it is kind of beneficial for all people and not has been
Post by Camilo SperbergPost by Negin Nickparsadirectly.
Negin Nickparsa
Post by Sebastian KrebsPost by Negin NickparsaIn general, what are the best ways to handle high traffic websites?
web analyzers?
dedicated servers?
distributed memory cache?
Yes :)
But seriously: That is a topic most of us spent much time to get into
Post by Camilo SperbergPost by Negin NickparsaPost by Sebastian Krebs"high traffic websites"? Do you already _have_ such a site? Or do you
_want_ it? It's important, because I've seen it far too often, that
projects spent too much effort in their "high traffic infrastructure"
Post by Camilo SperbergPost by Negin NickparsaPost by Sebastian Krebsat the end it wasn't that high traffic ;) I wont say, that you cannot
Post by Camilo SperbergPost by Negin NickparsaPost by Sebastian Krebssuccessfull, but you should start with an effort you can handle.
Post by Negin NickparsaSincerely
Negin Nickparsa
Your question is way too vague to be answered properly... My best guess
would be that it depends severely on the type of website you have and how's
the current implementation being well... implemented.
Post by Camilo SperbergSimply said: what works for Facebook may/will not work for linkedIn,
facebook is about relations between people, twitter is about small pieces
of data not mainly interconnected between each other, while Google is all
about links and all type of content: from little pieces of information
through whole Wikipedia.
Post by Camilo SperbergYou could start by studying how varnish and redis/memcached works, you
could study about how proxies work (nginx et al), CDNs and that kind of
stuff, but if you want more specific answers, you could better ask specific
Post by Camilo SperbergIn the PHP area, an opcode cache does the job very well and can
accelerate the page load by several orders of magnitude, I recommend
OPCache, which is already included in PHP 5.5.
Post by Camilo SperbergGreetings.
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The integration proposed for PHP 5.5.0 is mostly 'soft' integration. That
means that there'll be no tight coupling between Optimizer+ and PHP; Those
who wish to use another opcode cache will be able to do so, by not loading
Optimizer+ and loading another opcode cache instead. As per the Suggested
Roadmap above, we might want to review this decision in the future; There
might be room for further performance or functionality gains from tighter
integration; None are known at this point, and they're beyond the scope of
this RFC.
So that's why OPCache isn't enabled by default in PHP 5.5
integrated. Giving the other some release to get used to it, sounds useful
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