PHP 5.6.0 beta 3 for EasyPHP DevServer 14.1 is available
2014-05-15 14:53:01 UTC
PHP fellows

PHP 5.6.0 beta 3 for EasyPHP DevServer is available.
Thus, you can play with it, test it, participate to the debugging beta
stage and then report any bug in the PHP bug tracking system.

Ferenc Kovacs
2014-05-15 15:00:33 UTC
Post by EasyPHP
PHP fellows
PHP 5.6.0 beta 3 for EasyPHP DevServer is available.
Thus, you can play with it, test it, participate to the debugging beta
stage and then report any bug in the PHP bug tracking system.
Would be nice if you could wait for the official announcement in the
future, as theoretically the release could change between the tagging and
the announcement if something showstopper comes up with the tag.

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu
Good Guy
2014-05-15 20:23:54 UTC
Post by Ferenc Kovacs
Post by EasyPHP
PHP fellows
PHP 5.6.0 beta 3 for EasyPHP DevServer is available.
Thus, you can play with it, test it, participate to the debugging beta
stage and then report any bug in the PHP bug tracking system.
Would be nice if you could wait for the official announcement in the
future, as theoretically the release could change between the tagging and
the announcement if something showstopper comes up with the tag.
EasyPHP AFAIK is still in beta state (and has always been) and unlikely
to hit the market in the near future. So let him practice his hobby
while it lasts.
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