Nathan Grey
2013-10-11 15:01:11 UTC
Hi - I am new to PHP so this is probably a very rudimentary question. I
posed it over at Stack Overflow and got several responses but none of them
clarified the issue for me.
Here's the code I am trying to understand:
<h1>The first twenty Fibonacci numbers:</h1>
$first = 0;
$second = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
<li><?php echo $first + $second ?></li>
$temp = $first + $second;
$first = $second;
$second = $temp;
} ?>
This code produces an unordered list of the first 20 Fibonacci numbers. I
understand that HTML and PHP can be interspersed. I also understand that
the PHP processor will look over the code and pick up the code that is
between the opening and closing PHP tags. Here's where I am confused:
1. Can the processor really reassemble a for-loop that is broken into
segments by opening and closing tags? It seems like the integrity of the
loop would be broken. I would expect that the entire loop would have to be
contained within a single pair of opening and closing tags for it to work.
2. Even if the processor is able to reassemble the loop seamlessly, how do
the <li> tags get included in the loop since they fall outside of the PHP
Thanks for your help.
Nathan Grey
posed it over at Stack Overflow and got several responses but none of them
clarified the issue for me.
Here's the code I am trying to understand:
<h1>The first twenty Fibonacci numbers:</h1>
$first = 0;
$second = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
<li><?php echo $first + $second ?></li>
$temp = $first + $second;
$first = $second;
$second = $temp;
} ?>
This code produces an unordered list of the first 20 Fibonacci numbers. I
understand that HTML and PHP can be interspersed. I also understand that
the PHP processor will look over the code and pick up the code that is
between the opening and closing PHP tags. Here's where I am confused:
1. Can the processor really reassemble a for-loop that is broken into
segments by opening and closing tags? It seems like the integrity of the
loop would be broken. I would expect that the entire loop would have to be
contained within a single pair of opening and closing tags for it to work.
2. Even if the processor is able to reassemble the loop seamlessly, how do
the <li> tags get included in the loop since they fall outside of the PHP
Thanks for your help.
Nathan Grey