Proposal to change the PHP license
2014-01-28 06:38:52 UTC
Due to the above clause, the PHP license is not compatible with the GPL. This can be replaced by trademarking the name "PHP" (the programming language), as done by Python and Mozilla
Maciek Sokolewicz
2014-01-28 12:38:30 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Due to the above clause, the PHP license is not compatible with the GPL. This can be replaced by trademarking the name "PHP" (the programming language), as done by Python and Mozilla
Dear "musicdenotation",

PHP had been around for many years already, and in those years the
license has barely changed. Nor has there been much discussion about the
contents of the license, or negative feedback from people. This
indicates that there is little demand to change the license in any way.

In any case, posting this in the php-general newsgroup is of little
value, since this is a general help group. The people frequenting this
group generally do not have much to say about the PHP license (note that
this is a license not for users of PHP (the language) but rather for
internal usage of the PHP engine (ie. extensions written in C)). If you
want to have more chance of people answering your proposal who actually
can change the license, you should ask at php-internals

- Tul
P.S. Not using a normal name (musicdenotation is not a name), nor
signing with it, makes your email look less respectful, and thus you
should not expect people to take it very seriously. Just a tip for any
future communication.
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